Stylin' & Profilin'

Marc Poppcke - Simplify Matters (Kevin Di Serna Remix)

Practicing my profile shots. It's good to be able to do something you love and have fun with other people doing it too. I'm not particularly experienced with shooting portraits and it's difficult to make it POP, especially since I'm not a particularly good communicator with people. Yes, I can communicate with people and it's my job to do so, but I feel a bit ashamed when asking someone to "do my bidding" as it were, especially when shooting a person. Nonetheless, I'm rather happy with some of the shots I got. The more I shoot, I realise that you only get a 5% hit rate with decent photos that are relatively useful or worth saving. Well, experimenting and learning is the key and it's a long road.

It was really tough choosing a blip for today. I didn't know whether to stay safe and post a killer portrait, or to just be me and get what I wanted out there. Oh well, you can try and please everyone but not please yourself. I forget that mine is the only perspective that I truly see with.

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