Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Back to School

After a big build up William spent the whole of last night in his own bed, on his own! Don't read that as he slept through, because obviously he didn't, but he was reasonably happy to settle back to sleep while I sat on the floor beside the bed. He told me he was a big boy because he didn't sleep with Mummy last night, now we just have to work out how to stop himwaking in the first place.

Back to school this morning, Carys was more than happy to be back and William couldn't wait. He is now going to pre-school for two whole days and staying for lunch. So he got to use his new lunch abg and he ran down the path to Goslings with it and hardly looked back. When I picked him up he had even eaten most it and that that he hadn't he ate in the car on the way to pick up Carys.

My day, well I didn't make it to the gym, very broken night and a banging headache put pay to that. But I did manage to start and finish my most recent assignment, make an appointment for William to see a SLT and exchange some stuff at Tesco before heading to the first drop-in of the year.

Now tea has been eaten and Cbeebies is being watched so I thought I would get my blip written so I have more time this evening.

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