Happy Birthday M!!

Today marks the day, 45 years ago, my first born child came into this world! Happy Birthday M!! I am proud to be your mother, you are such a hardworking man, an example to many in your lifetime, honest and trustworthy! It was a real pleasure to see you grow from a brave little man, lying in a crib, to a schoolboy, a high school student, a young medic in the army, a dedicated worker, wherever you worked, a successful student in a foreign Country with a foreign Language, whatever you started, you finished successfully! I thank our good Lord for giving you a wonderful spouse, to share your interests and to complement you in every way! Thank you Z, we luvvvv you just as much as we luvvvv M!

All 5 of us as well as Lillian wish you a Happy Birthday and a blessed year to come! Lillian says she misses you sooo much!

Your love for playing the piano and the organ. as well as singing in the Provincial Youth Choir for 6 years, was one of my great pleasures in life! I still become so emotional when I hear some of the songs that were your favourites! I will never hear New York, New York, by Frank Sinatra, without wiping a tear or two! Eisch, we DO miss you from time to time!! ;-0

Enjoy this beautiful South African sunset my love! I took my first teeeeeeeny weeny Blipwalk in over 6 months today, to find a special picture for you! I just hoped to get a nice sunset, only walked about 50mt past Ernie's house to get this one, but, believe you me, it was far enough for me! Eisch, the energy levels are still sub zero!! Hehehehe!!



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