Beneath-a-Burn Crofthoose

Windy again, and picking up through the day.  The sun tried to get out this morning, but soon clouded over again, and dull.  There's been showers this evening. 

Various busy spells on the museum desk today, some bus tours about.  I've been busy most of the day preparing things for Wool Week, which starts this Saturday!  A lot of work to be done setting up for it.  A quiet evening at home, some walkies with Sammy in the rain, and then off to work in the pub later. 

Popped down to mam's at lunchtime, Puss in Boots is missing them!  On my way back, I took a detour, as I was lacking inspiration with the day!  Not a very inspiring photo, and inky realised I blipped this croft house earlier this year :)  Looking down on to Beneath-a-Burn, Wester Quarff.

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