Ashleigh Joys Photography

By AshleighJoy

Still no sign of my glasses I guess someone just took them. Still makes no sence to me. Other than that the day went good, my coworker said he would bring in cupcakes for my birthday next week, but I think I will tell him no as we are being put as a resource pool and may not be in the same building that day...however to date I think that's the nicest thing a coworkers done for my birthday :)
When I went and picked  up isabelle shes cried. Shes been with her aunts for a couple days now and I guess wasnt ready to see me yet lol after a couple hours she was happy again though and tonight she goes back to her aunts house.
Willow has a hot spot on her rump, it's a huge spot where all the hard was.chewed off! We dont get paid till Friday and I'm kinda nervous to leave her alone all day tomorrow as she may make it worse (Greg's still upnorth). I hope she will be ok :/

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