Dancing Days Are Here Again!
Several Dancing Girls were blooming on the fuchsia plant on our front porch, and they insisted that I take them to the Arboretum to visit the lily pond and the sunflower patch. Summer has slipped into autumn and we fear the days of the lily pond are numbered.
We have a new little friend, Mr. Fox. And so one of the Dancing Girls traveled atop Mr. Fox, while the other two rode their traditional Cat-Steeds. The Cat-Steeds are quite bendy, but Mr. Fox is not. It was morning and so just one pink water lily was blooming on the lily pond; it perfectly matched the Dancing Girls' dresses.
We had a lovely visit to the lily pond, and then we headed over to the sunflower patch. We got to see several pretty butterflies - two monarchs and a painted lady - and watched some goldfinches eating sunflower seeds. It was very exciting! Let us rejoice, for dancing days are here again!
The soundtrack song: Led Zeppelin, with Dancing Days.
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