Red Admiral

A busy day that started with water fitness and pilates.  In the afternoon I visited the allotment where this red admiral butterfly was lazing on the budleia flowers.  As there are still plenty of white butterflies flitting around I spent some time tidying up the sprouting broccoli plants and removing butterfly eggs and caterpillars.  A few raspberries to bring home and some sweet corn.

Late afternoon we had our MMR vaccination and took the flu jab on offer as well then it was quickly into the nearby public hall where the film club was showing an interesting German film called The Wave.  It had the audience spell bound as it told of high school class where for one week pupils opted to learn about different forms of government.  The pupils all opted for a class on autocratic dictatorship which was taken by a reluctant teacher who would have preferred to teach about anarchy.  However they all entered into the spirit of things and the teacher ended up by playing the role of dictator and the pupils very quickly learnt how to respond to him and to each other.  They formed a tight knit community which had certain benefits for some, comradeship and supporting each other but things quickly escalated out of control with devastating consequences.  A thoughtful film which was released in Germany over 10 years ago.

Once this finished it was onto the camera club for a more relaxing evening.  No time to blip though so this is back blipped.

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