
By Dibsie


This is me about to head out for a run in the dark, with my new head torch. Just call me a cliché. Ive jumped on that new year fitness wagon with both feet.

Unlike some people, I thought I wouldn't go 'from the moment the clock strikes 12 entering New Year's Day, I won't eat any more chocolate, I'll only drink water, exercise every day and loose a stone in 2 weeks'. Thats just asking for failure - and to be a v boring person to be around. No I'm sensible, so I thought I would kick start the get back into fitness regime on the 7th. It's a Monday, which is always a good time to start and I've given myself time to eat all the chocolate and other crap in my house.

To be fair I've always been into my running and fitness, last year I tackled The Great South Run and managed 1hour 45mins which in hoping to beat this year. I've given myself a holiday the past 6weeks, so now it's back on it.

Come on 2013!

Picture 7 of 365 challenge.

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