Poorly - again

Poor Puppy was sick in the night and looked quite peeky this morning. So much so that she didnt go out for her usual wee when I got up this morning. I decided not to give her any breakfast to help her tummy settle.

I then left her with Mr W who was dropping her off to a friend to puppy sit while he was at his usual Thursday morning racket ball. I had asked Ally who has Willow if she was still happy to have her considering she had been sick and she said she was as Willow loves seeing Bella.

I forgot to tell Mr W Bella hadn't had a wee and Mr W didnt let her out for one before he left for Allys and by the time Bella saw Willow she got so excited she couldnt hold it in anymore and piddled all over Allys sitting room rug.

I was mortified!!!! But Ally took it well and being a fellow Poo owner, seemed to understand. Thank goodness.

I had a long journey to work with delays on the M25 but got to see Daughter Number 1 there.

Once I was home, Mr W wanted me to take him Grandaughter Birthday present shopping. Emelia is 7 today. I then made him go walkies with me. It was a lovely evening. We just did a short walk incase Bella still wasn't really up to it.

We then tried to call into see Emelia but she was still at her party and Mr W needed to get back to do some work before he went out for the evening. Hopefully he will get to see her tomorrow. 

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