Choose one out of 61!

Today I had 61 photos from which to choose my Blip!
As the reason was a visit to Anglesey Abbey to see the Dahlias it seemed right to chose a Dahlia - that narrowed it down to about 40 - so I chose this one for its beautiful colours and symmetry (but there were others just as good)
As well as Dahlias there were other fantastic flowers and majestic trees so I chose two pics to be 'extras' for today. 
The rose garden made me wish we had 'smellyvision' so that I could capture the scent as well as the visual beauty. This delicate pink was my favourite on both counts.
Then, a lovely surprise, walking back through the winter walk which in winter has fantastic swathes of snowdrops, we came to a vision of pink and white under the trees - tiny Cyclamen, thousands of them!
As I always say, nature is wonderful! 

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