
By Chiara

Rabbit fur

In order to kill some time, I explored Hyde Park, a neighborhood in the south side. I fell in love with the atmosphere -- the houses are historic and beautiful, small shops are everywhere, and the people seem to be so down-to-earth. It's a real Chicago neighborhood. You can't find an area like this in the loop or the north side, where the locals get drowned out by tourists and scantily-clad suburbanites who go there just to visit the tourist traps and to party in the cheesy high-priced bars that can be found on every block. I really hope Hyde Park stays the way it is for many years to come. I'll be sad if out-of-towners and obnoxious yuppies invade the area like they did Logan Square and Ukrainian Village.

I ventured over to Promontory Point, a park/beach directly north of Jackson Park. It's a hidden gem! Designed by Daniel Burnham in the 1890s, it has stunning views, rocky trails right by the water, and fire pits. When it gets warmer, I'm going to round up some friends and have a picnic/bonfire there. What's great is that the Point does not get overcrowded and "plastic" like the North Ave, Oak St, or Fullerton beach. It's all quiet and laidback here.

If I had to buy a place here in Chicago, there's a high chance that it would be in Hyde Park.

Elderly couple walking hand-in-hand
Young couple
Skyline (I really think that Skoff should paint an abstract version of this.)

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