Thursday: Show Day

Today was the big day for the Red Arrows.

For us, it meant organizing, and hosting, an event for the public on Jack Poole Plaza at the downtown waterfront. It involved working with a number of different partners and was designed to showcase British elements and also careers in STEM. We had a load of tents, a great British playlist from all eras, as well as a model Sopwith Camel and branded Landrovers. It all looked pretty good.

In the evening I hosted a reception for contacts from the pool terrace of a local hotel which provided an amazing viewpoint from which to see the enhanced flypast which the Red Arrows did at 5pm. All in all, it went pretty well.

You might notice that there are only 8 jets instead of the customary 9. One of the pilots has had to rush home as his wife went into labour......

So, that’s over and tomorrow the Reds depart for San Diego. It’s been a lot of work and a lot of fun - back to other stuff now!

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