Gardening Day
This gunnera self seeded in our neighbour's garden, which is simply grass and paving slabs, surrounded by sycamores. Peter isn't keen on it, it's a huge thing, and as it's against our fence, we have adopted it! It is rather magnificent but since the recent gales the leaves are falling over our gate and the vicious spines on them are quite dangerous.
Today I gave it a drastic hair cut before it gets more battered and torn, and the extra light coming through the fence into our garden was very welcome.
In the afternoon Lottie and I went along to John's to do a couple of hours gardening for him. He wants a hand to get it back into shape, as it's been understandable neglected for the last while. So satisfying, finding paths amongst the foliage! Lots of fun for Lottie too!
Still no packing done . . . and I leave tomorrow!
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