Live Love Laugh

By MissMirpuri

Street...Rolls Royce Silver Shadow (oh yeaaaah!!)

I think this blip was meant to be, as its pure coincidence that i saw the car parked right under my house. Today being my last day of holidays and the first of sales, I decided tog o around the town in the morning to have a quick look around few stores...funny part is that I´m used to locking the door right behind me, you know, don´t want the house getting robbed or anything. So was shopping around with my dear sister when I get an angry call from mom saying i left the poor maid locked int he house and she could´t get out! hahaha after laughing at it while i dashed back home to unlock the door saw the car right under... so BLIP!

Overall shopping today was amazing! Got new shoes from Zara (shoeholic!!!!) and some other purchases! Although...dreading tomorrow back to uni... :( :( :(


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