Beauty at its Best

This photo was taken from the Cape Lookout view point; it is looking at the Pacific Ocean on the left and Netarts Bay on the right. We left Rockaway Beach planning to hike the trail to Cape Lookout but soon it was raining and we were second guessing our plan. Thankfully we kept going because we had a wonderful hike overlooking the ocean and the shoreline. The trail had a rather steep drop-off on one side.....probably 1000 feet down to the rocks and water below........but it didn't feel too unsafe.   A lot of other people had the same idea, so we had to scoot to the side when they felt safer scooting toward the trees and ferns than toward the cliff. The sun shone and there was no rain while we hiked but the trail was quite muddy in spots from the big downpour last night. We drove back to the beach house along the bay to Netarts and then dinner in Tillamook at a new Sushi restaurant which was very good. Happy hour prices made our many varied rolls quite reasonable, but boy am I full....they were all so good. 

Tonight we are in front of the fire.....not quite as peaceful with the football game on hubby computer. I thought when we dropped the TV cable service we would have quieter evenings, but there are so many options to watch TV on the phone or computer.  :-((

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