
By Green56

Besties at Barton Grange

Rain, rain and more rain. I had to drive up the motorway to meet up with the Besties. The spray was awful, I went at 40mph at times, but got there ok. We were meeting to finalise arrangements for next week when we are having an away few days in the Peak District. Sue reckons that by next week there will be no rain left so thats ok! We all decided we would take everything including wellies with us. We are taking some provisions and all are taking a bottle and a treat. Margaret has bought a murder mystery pack and gave us our invitation, I'm a 1920s ladies maid. Think i'll have to find an outfit. 
Barton Grange was heaving the restaurant stopped serving as there were no tables, a first. We did eventually get in. Everywhere is getting ready for the big C as you can see in the photo. We refused to look!
A much better journey home, no rain but noticed all the rivers are very high and overflowing. 

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