
It’s been a day of minor ups and downs.
We found out that my lovely sister in law, and her family are not now coming for Christmas, then while trying to work out when we could go up and visit them, we discovered that my half term is a week after Poppy and Alfie’s. Not ideal and it makes any hopes of getting away virtually impossible. Never mind, we have pencilled in a long weekend in October so fingers crossed that will work out.
On the upside, Alfie’s football team won their match 9-0, Alfie scored and got an ‘assist’ (I’m slowly getting to grips with the lingo)
This afternoon Ted came over with the boys which was lovely. I got the boys a comic each and Roan found it a bit tricky to make his Lego man with only one fully functioning hand. Louis entertained us with a piano recital and Hobson the dog caused mayhem as usual.
Curry this evening and D and Alf are currently taking Alice home while I watch the Strictly results.

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