
By KatesGardenPDX

Frost predicted tonight!

I find beauty in the plants in the garden in all seasons of the year. This patch of Rudbeckia fulgida or Black Eyed Susan, is just about done for the season, yet the seed heads are beautiful in their own way. The goldfinches love them, so I leave them even with the risk of seeding themselves everywhere. Not so difficult to pick out the seedlings in the spring after all.

This image portrays my feeling about the weather today. It's currently sprinkling, high 40's and just downright damp. Frost or at least mid-30's are predicted tonight. It's only September - our weather should be stunning....

I had a busy day with my grandchildren and co-grandmother - we spend Sunday afternoons with the kids (now ages almost 2 and almost 6). The age difference is enough that the more adults the more attention each child receives. It works well all 'round.  

I was late getting home and there was JUST enough light to capture this blip. Going to sit in front of the fire now :-)

Hope the beginning of your week is a lovely one!

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