Better late ....

Back to work today, after a pretty much sleepless night. We were all quite subdued. There was the statutory 'happy new years' and desultory attempts to ask about what Santa bought. Strangely few of us could remember, apart from S who got a slow cooker but no recipe book. We gave him some advice.

We left at the end of the day telling ourselves it will be better tomorrow once we have found our 'oomph'.

I headed of to JL to collect more shoes and bags, all to be returned, then home to a meeting about #92. On hold till April.
#3 son has gone back to Aber. The house is quiet and empty without him.
And behind the door, the missing card. I think I preferred the day 42.5 years ago when I got my driving licence. That made me grown up and independent. This just makes me OLD. Thank goodness I work with so many lovely young people.

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