
By kamran


...visits Nürnberg.

Below I am quoting a dream I had a couple of months ago which I also narrated to the person whom I saw in the dream.


She was young, tall, and slender. She wore a long white dress and walked quietly through dark streets. There were many people behind the barred windows with their arms sticking out. She passed by the windows and gave apricots, which she carried in a basket, in some people's hands. The apricots glowed in different colors. As soon as their hands would touch them, the apricots would turn into little birds, escape and fly in circles before disappearing high in the sky.

She kept walking down the alley till the end of the road before climbing the stairs and finally stood up on a high wall which faced towards the open sea. A moment later, she stretched her arm out and rubbed the sky like as if she were wiping clouds from the dark sky and lo, the full moon was in her one hand, which she held like a mirror in front of her face! For one moment I couldn't tell which of the two was moon, and which was her face. Next moment, she threw the moon in the water, which turned the whole sea into pure white like milk.

Then I saw all stars falling into the white sea like rain drops. As the wind blew, the sea waves shaped themselves to the wild white horses, with long hairs on top of their necks, which ran at tremendous speed. I wondered with a great wonder!

As soon as the wave of white horses hit the wall, she jumped off the high wall into the sea, and there was a big sound of splash and intense explosion of light, so bright that I couldn't keep my eyes open!

A moment later, I opened my eyes only to find myself on the bed. The full moon shone through my room window. As I stretched my arm to find the clock next to my bed to see the hour of night, I heard something fall on the ground. I stood up, turned on the light and rubbed my eyes only to see that there was an apricot on the ground! I had a dry throat, and felt a bit of thirst. So I ate the apricot in one bite without giving a thought. Next moment I fell on the bed to sleep again, only to see even more weird dream... which started from where the previous dream left off....

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