
By misswinterfinch

Inside Looking Out

That's from 68º(20ºC) looking through the bathroom window and the screen at 28º(-2.2C) in the back garden. Home is where the afternoon sun sparkles on the icicles and the little birds diligently peck at the frozen peanuts in the feeder.
Today I looked at several UK blips of promising signs of spring... crocus popping up in green leaves, pussy willow buds and hazel catkins all added to my winter doldrums. We have barely seen winter begin here and already spring is starting over there!
But, I put on a few layers of clothes and took the old camera outside for a spin. Whew! Cold!! Back inside and quickly noticed a "good enough" blip of the great outdoors could be had right from the comfort of the warm home. So, here it is... I promise tomorrow will try to be outdoors (briefly).

I wonder at what temperature a camera freezes?

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