Yesterday Lady Findhorn and I walked18,000 steps, according to her Apple watch, and it won't have been very many less today! So much for sitting and knitting!

This morning LadyF had a class at Jamieson and Smith's, where there are a couple of couches and chairs, so I sat in a comfy chair, flanked by two long suffering American husbands, and finished knitting my gloves.  There was a lot of talk of size of trailers, size of moose seen, numbers of fish caught, number of miles hiked, cost of flights, etc! If they had been stags, they would have been clashing antlers! 

As well as listening to them I was entertained by women deliberating about choosing patterns and wools.  The trouble is that there is just so much choice and buying on line just does not come close to seeing them in real life! I sat and chatted to knitters from Norfolk, Salisbury, Norway, Seatle and Canada, each sharing their stories about their lives and their knitting.

After lunch, more coffee and scones, we did a bit of shopping and then had a bracing walk around the Knab, a promontory on the edge of Lerwick. Super vews, and good to get moving. The showers held off until we were just back at the museum and the Wool Week hub to meet up with birdwatching blipper Miss Gable. Lovely to see her again! Great company and such fun to all be together again. Sadly it didn't last long enough, and then it was out into the street to look for somewhere to eat. Unfortunately, most places were fully booked but we managed to get a very good bar meal of fish and chips before the uphill trek to our cosy B&B, there to carry on with our chatting and knitting! 

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