Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Tescos in the Rain.

Things are going from bad to ridiculous. Yesterday I woke up with a sprained right foot. Seriously, a sprained foot! Don't even ask because I've no idea how it happened, was just like that when I got out of bed. Then today while limping round Tescos with mum the muscle in my left leg spazzed and stayed that way.
Am now shuffling about like some sort of demented elderly zombie!

Hopefully losing some weight is going to help my rubbish health and we've all properly started our diets today. Christmas, Birthday and New year are over and we've eaten all the good stuff in the house (except for some utterly delicious Betty Crocker chocolate fudge icing thats been pushed to the back of the fridge - must try to forget about that...) so it's time to get down to it. I'm back on my no wheat, no sugar, no dairy, no alchohol, no f-fun healthy eating plan and mum and dad are going for Weight Watchers. Dad is a WW virgin and so far can't understand what all the fuss is about - "more points? I'm not even hungry". Ha! classic rookie mistake - just wait till you're a week in and desperate for a m&s cheese scone + lashings of butter with your chocolate topped cappuccino!

Dad having a ww snack earlier "well, I think these two beagles were very good". Yeah...

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