too hot....
I was in Msuzi today and the early childhood class do not have a teacher, so the Head teacher has been standing in. It was the same as every other class I have seen this past week! However....some visitors came to the school which meant the teacher had to leave the class so I said not to worry I would take over!
Well, we had a ball - in my limited language we did many songs and many games and the kids (and myself) were exhausted by the end of it all! It was really hot today and yet children were wearing sweaters! By the end of the class as you can see they were removing their shirts! I hd a lot of fun as did the kids!
After I met with the Education Secretary of our church, I left for Chipata. Am staying outside the town in a rural lodge/campsite. Its really in the bush and is lovely but now I am back to loadshedding so no power!! This evening we have a generator for a time which is great!
Am going to one of our church early childhood classes in Chipata tomorrow so looking forward to that!
Thank you all for the comments, hearts and stars on my photos from Lundazi! Much appreciated!
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