
By SLPlearning

A Symbol or Not?

There are lots of symbols in life that go unnoticed in our busy lives, but today we couldn't help but see two new additions to our landscape. Happily wandering around and looking quite at home this adorable pair were friendly and welcoming to everyone who stopped to take a look.

Apparently, the message conveyed by seeing horses behave this way is ‘Believe in your freedom to make your own choices. You are never forced to do anything. The choice is always yours’, wise words but not always easily done.

There are meanings attributed to both black and white horse, I found them interesting:

The black steed symbolism is both death-defying and death-seeking. In other words, it is symbolic of death and rebirth. It signifies the closing of one door and the opening of another. It can also symbolize the need for you to take a leap of faith and trust what you are being guided to do even if you can’t see the reason or the result. Go blindly forth and believe.

The white steed represents an avatar or master of knowledge and faith. They are the teacher of spiritual progress and, are adept in the fields of intellectualism and reason. This spirit animal has command of their emotions and manifests perfect justice. Also, this animal signifies the coming of a spiritual lesson or teacher into your life.

I love the boldness of both meanings and the simple idea that they live beside each other complementing their companion at every turn.

They make good teachers if we watch and learn.

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