Day 25

Day 25......Mayenne.....Compared to Guernsey and UK we are having amazing weather. It’s been overcast today, a couple of really heavy showers and then blue skies. The temperature was about 18 degrees. We are on our way back to St Malo returning on a Friday if the Condor is sailing! We visited Mayenne today and then had lunch at a small Creperie. We visited the chateau and the church and missed a heavy rain shower. I did a load of washing on the campsite tonight but the drier didn’t work at all well so we have a camper that looks like a Chinese laundry, heating on and windows open! All makes for a fun holiday!! This is the view from our campervan. I love the shadows formed by the sun through the trees on the far bank. Couple of pictures of Mayenne in extras.

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