Gitama's World

By Gitama

Its Been Another Big Day

I didn't take this was Monday morning..........and there hasn't been much time to stop since be honest I haven't taken another shot since then but  so this is all I had.

I am not going to moan about my legs being swollen and my back like a question mark from lugging furniture and stuff but rather talk about how happy I am that not too much personal stuff  got wrecked...(so far)...although time will tell if the house has to be gutted due to water damage. Eyes on the prize we will be getting new flooring in all the bedrooms (that is including yours P) instead of the rotten old carpet that was there before (really not a fan of carpet...much prefer rugs over wood) and the house will need painting...already we are thinking colour and accent
Its after 7pm......finished for the day ready to put my feet up and shut down for the night to the wonderful sound of 20+ huge fans in the house drying it out......I am hoping to get a good nights sleep without Jaiya in my bed...snoring (and here she is reckons that I snore...ha) and my bedroom full of kids and animals...I have resorted to ear plugs.

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