Dave & Danny

Woke with a really sicky headache that started last night...coffee, water, painkillers and then off to a meeting with us (as 24-7 Ibiza), Red Cross and Caritas. The idea was to organise an under-the-radar street team that would take breakfasts out to the most needy and just check in with people really. Unfortunately the meeting was spent talking about all the great things we do collectively and it wasn't until the last 5 minutes that any action plan was talked about - argh!!! We walked out feeling really strange...but also that we do have a role being out of the spotlight and under the radar...felt motivated to continue doing what we do. I think I felt disappointed though.
Straight from there to visit a homeless friend who's in hospital - he got punched in the face!! He was doing so much better than I expected! One of the other homeless guys was there with him which was lovely, though he was having one of his psychotic episodes and kept angrily whispering at an invisible person next to us. 
Home for lunch with Dave, pictured. He spent the afternoon with us. Lovely to catch up with him.
The kids and I went and wandered round a few of the homeless guys this early evening, also saw Sole which was wonderful. Danny went back to the hospital with clothes for Mick - he literally has nothing except the hospital pjs he's in! Not even shoes!!
Cooking for everyone tonight, my Dads macaroni cheese recipe - serious comfort food. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) My headache finally clearing up by early evening.
2) Mick being SO much better than expected.
3) Following the meeting this morning despite headache and suuuuper fast Spanish. 

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