Every Cloud

I was sitting under a dirty great cloud for most of the day.
Gentle nagging from a supportive friend encouraged me to get out into the Autumnal light.
I didn't take my camera, such was my mood.
In the distance, I spied a huge flock of geese, freshly arrived on the stubble fields.
I thought that a photo of the flock rising against the setting sun would be Blipworthy, so set off across the field.
It was an amazing spectacle and would have been a good Blip.
But, as I was using my phone, I inadvertently switched on "Selfie" mode...
After the geese had flown and I was cursing myself, I spied the dogs playing across the horizon.
I dropped to my knees - no mean feat these days - and grabbed a couple of photos.
I do wish that I had brought my camera though...

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