
By QuietJoy

A conversation in the car

In the car on the way to Sophie's playschool today, i explained to her that bigger girls and boys go to big children's school, and that she will also go to the big children's school someday when she is bigger. She asked me if i will pick her from school when she goes to the big school as she is just a little girl and cannot go to school by herself. I told her yes, that i will pick her from kindergarten, primary and secondary school, but that maybe in college and university she will be able to go to school on her own as she will be able to drive then. And i added wistfully (more to myself than to her) that she'll be grownup then, and that Daddy and i will be old. As i said that, i felt a surge of emotion and a lump in my throat, knowing that this time will come all too quickly.

Then, being very perceptive for a 2.5 year old, she said, "Mommy, i don't want to go to the big children's school. I want to be a little girl and i don't want you to be old." So i told her that i want her to be a little girl too, and that i want her to play a lot, and have lots of fun, and to be happy, and to just enjoy her time as a child now.

Oh Time, please slow down!

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