
By MumOf4Wildlings


As a child I loved reading, and loved getting into a book. My imagination would take to so many places.
When I became a mum , I vowed that I would read stories to my children everyday. And that changed so quickly.
When my biggest wildling got to the stage of choosing a storybook at bedtime he would choose the same one every single night. And I didn't mind for a while. One of the many thing's with autism is the fixation on certain thing's. For him it had to be the same book, the same routine at bedtime etc. We read the same book for over a year. And he would also choose the same nursery book to bring home every week. One night I told him that I was choosing and I chose a different one. And BOOM ......... That was the last night I read a story at bedtime. The meltdown was awful, he was so distressed, his anxiety through the roof. And I didn't read at night again. I lost the enjoyment and love of reading to him for a while.
The middle wildling loves reading and so does the small one. We now read everyday together. The biggest one actually will sit with us and listen to a story. He's not fixated on the same one anymore which is great. All wildlings get to choose a book.
I think stories are so important to children, and their imagination . I hope they always have a love of book's.
The only time I get to read now is if I'm in the hospital.

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