Five things

By fivethings

Foxy Maxwell

1. Nature is going a bit crazy round my way. The past couple of nights I've fallen asleep to the sound of birdsong. Late night birdsong. In January. That seems weird to me. Lovely, but weird.

2. I've mentioned before about how wide the foxes are in my hood. I was out walking Zara late on Saturday and one just sauntered by, quite the thing.

3. Here we are, 7pm, just off the train and this fellow (squint and use a bit of imagination while looking at this very poorly taken photo) is having a right good rummage in the garden and walks right past me. It does cross my mind that a bite from a fox would be a really cool thing to have to go to the hospital with.

4. I take this thought quite far. I'm not worried as I'm pretty near A&E so could easily hobble with a bite in my calf or ankle. But what would happen if the bite became infected...

5. ...later in the evening starting to realise that I'm taking on some fox-like characteristics, developing some fox-like super powers. I'd need to make myself a tail.

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