The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
An early start to today, weather looked decidedly menacing at 6.45am .... did'nt look much better at 8.30am but having walked Cass & Ruby, & fed the cats next door, it was time for Jorgie and I to brace the elements .. we walked up onto the perimeter of Ideford Common, then came down the road sheltering from the chilly wind back into Ideford. By the time we'd reached the village the sun was out and it was warming up. What a pleasant surprise. With all my charges chillin' I went over to do an hours gardening at G&J's. George was sat in the greenhouse, door closed, in his pajama bottoms, shirt & body warmer. I jokingly asked if Jean had kicked him out lol!! He had his flask of coffee with him. Poor Jean is struggling with extreme pain in her feet, only eased when she's laid down so he'd made her some toast & a cuppa and told her to stay in bed. Love him. I pulled out some summer bedding that was looking pretty sad, hoiked out a load of freshly dropped acorns, I'm always coming across oak seedlings, the joys of living in close proximity of both an oak & pine. Needles, oak leaves, now that autumn is kicking in, & acorns. I noticed that their neighbour, who was out on his front lawn with a litter picker this morning, has been chopping G&J's plants back so they don't cross the boundary line. Good job he's not my neighbour. I dare'nt say anything to George though, he is already wound up by this chaps behavior. Back again to feed the mutts. Open the windows to get some lovely fresh air in. Lunch, then off to meet Jos at Hobbycrafts. Just as I arrived the heavens opened. I purchased some materials for lino cutting .. he he!! Then Tesco's to fill up with petrol. I could'nt get the petrol cap off ... how embarassing. This happened once before when I first got the car. Grrrrhhh! Into the supermarket picked up some bits then back to base in the horrible mizzly rain. exercised the mutts togged up in my waterproofs, fed the cats. Caught the last competitor of The Chase. Swapped channels to watch Landscape Artist of The Year. I think it was 2018, but I like to see different interpretations of the same view, so the fact that it was last year did'nt matter.
Dinner was egg fried veggie rice and sausages tonight. Easy 1 pan meal. I don't look for washing up.
Feels like a bit of a lazy day.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.
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