Raven and Apple!

10°C  -  19 mph Wind  -  Visibility 16.2 miles  -  Mostly Cloudy.  Took some old electrics to the Dump, collected tablets from Chemist, shopped in Tescos, called to collect my Dry Cleaning  -  shop shut!!  Telephoned the Dry Cleaners when I got home  -  no reply!  Luckily the owner has a Facebook page, and on it she explains why she is shut today.  She has been chosen as one of the Finalists in the Business Women Scotland awards and had an meeting connected with that.  She won’t be open again until Tuesday.  I wish her well  - the Finalist will be chosen some day in November. The two Ravens arrived back from their Summer holidays this morning  -  obviously  enticed by the ripening Crab Applesâ˜ș

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