Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Jumping for Joy .....

Today is my middle daughter's 34th birthday.  She doesn't work on Fridays and so spent some time baking some cup cakes with Looby Lou.  She dropped me at the dentist this afternoon but my new bridge needed some more adjustments ...... so back to the refitted temporary bridge for another couple of weeks.  Still, it delayed the final £400 payment so that's a plus!  Went to Fitsteps this morning, 2 Jives, 2 Foxtrots, 2 Quicksteps, 2 Jazz and 2 Cha Cha Chas ...... was a little bit tough having had a week off.   

Lou loves to jump and whenever she see's my eldest daughter she starts jumping.  Alex has taught her to bend her knees ..... think she's hoping she'll be a dancer or a gymnast .....

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