
By Ronniebofa

Best laid plans

My brother expected a relaxing afternoon collecting eggs from Egglicious and enjoying his Free Birthday treat courtesy of Dobbies GardenCllub - coffee and an Empire biscuit. The weather had other ideas: it was cold but dry and unlikely to rain. The pumpkin, squash, marrow and courgette plant area of the allotment looked like a disaster area after the hard frost the night before so after Yoga and Cardio Dance classes at the Peak it was the allotments for me to harvest the fruits and clear up the area. When my brother arrived in his finery he was adamant that he was not working in the allotment as he was wearing his good shoes and not dressed suitably. After sitting in the arbor for 30 minutes watching me his resolve was tested to the limit and he was reluctantly helping remove pumpkin material from the allotments outside borders. Soon he was at full speed cuting the outside hedge and digging the borders. I continued on the inside and forked over the cleated area( cultivated it and sowed green manure (mustard seed).
When you see the fruits of our labours you will likely agree that it was an accomplished afternoon m. Egglicious and Dobbies will have to wait till tomorrow!!

The two biggest pumpkins weigh in excess of 40kg each and some of the produce has already found homes. The biggest 2 will require wheelbarrow transportation.

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