October bee!

New driving licence turned up, which was good. Then spent approx an hour searching for a hotel room and train tix for an OU thing in November - reminded me how much of my time in the proper job was wasted used up doing stuff like this.

Went up to the allotment once it had stopped raining, having dumped the supperating offcuts of the unripe pumpkin in our local food waste bin, to avoid leakage if I tried to take it up to the compost bin. Plenty of green waste on the plot to dump in the bins anyway. I was delighted to see that my late-germinating sunflower had managed to open a bloom. It's looking a bit ragged-y, but I can't talk. And look - there's a bee making the most of it!

I gathered in the remaining two pumpkins, which seem to be ripe. I've put them in the extra for the pumpkin complete-ists amongst you. The bigger one was so heavy I had to get a couple of buses home. It turns out to be somewhat over 10 kilos. Goodness knows what I shall do with it (polite suggestions only, please).

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