Time To Leaf?

Short walks for PD today - one by his choice the other by mine. Well ….. fair's fair.

Whilst I turned the place upside down looking for my missing filter holder (a new one is rather expensive) SWMBO headed off to the doctor too have a check-up. She phoned me from the hospital to say that she was about to get an ECG. That was a bit of a surprise, but it was just one of the tests the doctor wanted to try and find out why fatigue and sleep keeps hitting her.

The monsters were just that this afternoon …….. nip, nip, nip. Instead of me walking away , the next time they are going to find themselves standing outside until they can work their problems out.

I found about 20 fountain pens (I like fountain pens) and 7 watches that need new batteries (I like watches too) as well as 7 old mobile phones (I don't like mobile phones).

Still no sign of the filter holder.

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