Tuesday: Grate
Back to work today after a good long break. Not that I felt particularly well-equipped for it - my sleep pattern for the last few nights has been ridiculous. Waking up at 0100, then awake until 0500 or so. And the alarm goes off at 0600. Ah me, it has to be better tonight, methinks.
We were going through the next six months at work today and it is going to be a really busy time. In July this year, Croatia will become the EU's 28th member state and there is going to be loads going on around that. Some of it should be really good fun too.......I hope!!
This is part of the One Street project. I haven't said much about the street I have chosen, Ulica Alexander Humboldta, because there isn't much to say. It is essentially a back street behind my office, but I am really enjoying looking at the detail.
Some of you may have read Peopletwitcher's post yesterday on the meaning of blip. Personally, I think everyone who signs up should be made to read this by the man himself........For me, this really summarises it.
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