
So, I am doing pretty well with the cutting down on drinking (although I fear that I've said this before). Since moderating is proving too much of a challenge, I'm back to having days when I don't drink. And, actually, I'm getting into the groove of that, and that's in no small part due to the much improved standard of alcohol free beers. 

However, that seems to have shifted a lot of emphasis onto my morning coffee: I'm obviously attracted to stimulants! But I love these drowsy mornings, when I've not drunk the night before, and I go down to the kitchen to put the kettle on and feed Tux and Flea, and then make my coffee.

The view from the kitchen is lovely; out across the valley, over the Lune river to Casterton and the hills behind. And on mornings like this, you can see where the river is from the mist above it. Wonderful.

-10.9 kgs
Reading: 'In Aleppo Once' by Taqui Altounyan. 

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