An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

It's raining again...

As I sat watching the rain bounce off the garden table at lunchtime, David took great pleasure in telling me that when he steps off the plane at Alicante on Monday, the temperature will be 30 degrees and sunny.  Tuesday/Wednesday/ Thursday will be 26 degrees and sunny and Friday will be 25 degrees with light cloud.  My heart bleeds for him.

Got through a massive pile of ironing today as while D is away, the mice will play ;-)  
Hoping to see my friend Lin on Monday then day to myself on Tuesday (woo hoo!) Agnes is coming up on Wednesday and staying till Friday and Ele, the other golf widow, will join us Wednesday evening to Thursday lunchtime.  Looking forward to some quality female company :-))

Meals are planned and on-line Tesco order has been completed.  Plenty gin in stock thanks to our trip to the Harris distillery, and the wine fridge has (amongst other things :-) a couple of bottles of the cheapest, sweetest Rosé wine for Agnes.  Well it's what she likes!  :-)))

I am hoping to use my day to myself to get my Christmas list done.  I have started buying gifts but need to add them to the bought list otherwise I will forget what and who I have bought for and end up buying more.  Of course my challenge will be remembering where I've put everything when the time comes!  

And that was Saturday.

Yesterday was marginally more exciting!  ;-)))

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