Colmers Hill

We were on a lovely walk today and the weather was so much better than forecast.  A very strenuous walk showing off some of the best Dorset views.  We started at Langdon Hill skirting through the woods and then heading up to the top of Golden Cap the sun came out and we enjoyed the panoramic views before heading down to Seatown.  We then had a long climb up to Thornecombe Beacon where I was distracted on the way by a wonderful display of Parasol Mushrooms in varying stages of development, see extra.  Coffee break was at the top and there followed a rather scenic walk along a narrow pathway with trees brambles and lush ferns on the sides not to mention stinging nettles.  Unfortunately we were not heading to the very nice farm teahouse nearby and we eventually ended up  at Symondsbury and then climbing up to the top of Colmers Hill for our lunch stop.  

We were all glad of the more leisurely downhill walk back towards Langdon Hill before the final climb back up to the cars.  A very rewarding but tiring walk of 9 miles.  A quiet evening followed and a back blip the following day.

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