
By Transitoire


So on reading 'Talk to the Snail' by Stephen Clarke, I cannot help but give you lovely people some extracts every now and then...the sort that make me nod and say definitely yes, so true. So: When dealing with a Frenchman, you need to be aware that there is a voice in his head. It is constantly telling him, 'I'm French, I'm right.' Even when he is doing something that is quite obviously illegal, antisocial or just plain stupid, he is sure that right is on his side.

To my very long school day - now this is my longest day, and unfortunately still while my sleep is not caught up on...but you know what? I had a really great day! I think it's the students, and the atmosphere of being back in school made it for me. Starting really early with a normal sixième class that don't totally understand everything I tell this is always quite funny...and I had to go into teacher mode and ask one of the more troublesome pupils for his carnet. The carnet is a great threat; they have to give them to their parents to sign at the end of the day if they have a punishment (which can just be for talkativeness!), so they tend to calm down after that. Teacher Jen! The lesson I was doing was on clothing and seasons...and boy do they love hangman, makes every lesson really easy - and they actually learn something which is fab. Did have an awkward moment at the end when one of them spoke to me at the end of the lesson, but spoke too quickly for me to understand...I had to attempt to understand on my second attempt, still nothing. I think she asked me a question! I then repeated a few of the words she said to me in an authoritative manner and she seemed to be idea what happened!

Sixième was followed by my troisième INTER...and I do love that class, they are just so sweet. I mean, I don't want to have favourites or anything but they are definitely one of them. I always end up having some lovely (and lively) chats with them, and I know more about their lives and what they like and dislike than other classes. Will be helping them with their mock exams next week, I really hope that I don't have to mark them...

Had a very lively lesson with the cinquième INTER, who have just finished the first of the films I set for on the list, Lord of the Rings! Will have to pass that by my boss, but I think it will be fine...hope so anyways, they are of an age where they don't want to be watching animated films anymore. The class does make me laugh, although they know (now!) not to take it too far with me as I will tell them off if need be. I think I've made progress with this class though, they do listen to me when I speak to them (at the beginning they were my loudest and largest class)...some of them even coming and talking to me at the end of classes to talk to me!

After a quick run into town for lunch I came back to the salle de profs to find a very merry bunch indeed sitting around the table. Reason: a bottle of wine had been brought and shared (yes, it is legal for teachers to drink at lunchtime!)...with just enough left for me. Well I'll be honest, my afternoon flew by! I had the normal troisième EURO where I worked with four of the quieter pupils to see if they would talk more in a smaller group. And to my surprise, they did! Whether it was me, the smaller group, or a nicer debating question I don't know...but they have definitely improved since the last time I spoke with them. I also found out that the other troisième classes have been asking for me to come in with them to, and for me to make a club for them at lunchtime. Yey!

My final class of the day were the sixième INTER, and I always forget just how cute they are until I work with them. The enthusiasm of the younger pupils never fails to surprise me...and I think the new student in their class is starting to gain confidence talking in English which is always great to see.

A lazy evening is definitely due. A bit of television, a bit of chatting, a Skype with mum, a quick foray outside to take this photograph, and a four hour ish Skype with Chandru. So lovely to catch up with everyone and actually have a chilled out night.

Words I have learnt today:-
- Elect - élire
- Interval - intervalle
- League - ligue
- Limit - limite
- Milestone - borne
- Recreation - recréation
- Tackle - attaquer
- To amaze - étonner, surprendre, époustoufler
- A maze - labyrinthe
- Crowded - bondé
- Graded - noté
- March - défiler - Walk - marcher
- Emotional wreck - épave émotionnelle
- Vindictive - vindicatif
- To deserve it - le mériter

And in other news:-
- Curvaceous - kurvenreich (German)

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