I would do it again in a heartbeat!

'And since time sets its own tempo, like a heartbeat or an ebb tide, timepieces don't really keep time. They just keep up with it, if they're able.' (Dava Sobel)

That's my first blip year completed! I will continue because I really like the community and love the interactions. However, I intend to make some small changes. Some days I just take a photo to prevent breaking the row on Blip, not because I really wanted to take the photo itself. I hope to achieve the 400-in-a-row award, but will focus more on taking photos that I consider worth taking. If I didn't shoot anything worth blipping, I might just skip a day. Looking back I also noticed that I shot most of my Blip photos with my phone. I intend to get out more and shoot what I enjoy shooting most like landscapes, architecture and long exposures.

Thank you all very much for the very warm welcome, the comments, the interactions, the stars and hearts!

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