
By sas05

gangnam style

not the best of pix.. we had ben and mia and ellis round for a play date today and sure enough , we have mia round gangnam style comes just grabbed the camera as they girls busted their does make me laugh ..they are all such big personalities, love having the kids round..
news that other news ....dit dit dit dit ... tele typer noise.. (that ages me)
cycled to work today .. its part of a sort of fitness thing in preparation for the return to squash which i know will have me walking like a Egyptian afterwards. so thats the start of a new years day resolution ..cycle to work .. spare man today ..means hopefully 4 hours of sitting round talking rubbish to
other drivers, playing suduko ..then go home.. which is more or less how it panned out ..apart from being asked to work a nightshift tonite ...which was politely declined ... but did agree to do sunday as a swap day ..bonus ..means i can see another band .... so LG (lifes good)

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