A rare night out!


Brian was up at the arse crack of dawn yesterday to go stand on a rain-lashed muddy beach somewhere on the windswept Lincs coast to look for birds! But apparently the wind was blowing the wrong way, so they did not see the host of rare birds they were hoping for - and anyway, it was far too wet to take your camera out of the car!

I stayed home in the relative warm (we are still without heating...) and relaxed. It felt very strange doing that - I am no longer used to it, even for part of one day. I felt a bit like a zombie, and when I thought of things I needed to do, I could not get motivated. The kitchen floor got swept - only because I dropped my pills when taking my morning medication, and could not easily find one of them. Minstrel would have found it though, so a thorough sweep was necessary!

I watched the previous nights' Rugby - Championship "Million pound game" play-off for promotion to Super league. So next season the European Super League will welcome Toronto Wolfpack to the fold! Well done to them!

Bri got home latish afternoon and we watched with morbid fascination as Manchester United took their next step down the road to rack and ruin, losing to Newcastle. Disaster!

But in the evening, since Bri is fortunate enough to have another weeks' holiday from work next week, we went out for a few drinks. Town was ridiculously quiet - many of the pubs and bars weren't even open! Still, it was nice to get out for a change!  

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