My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Toddler level 8... again!

Last week we finished Toddler Level 8 but the badges weren’t ready... today we got our badge. During this repeated level (remember how our original swimming class was cancelled?) L has become far more independent in the water and is getting the hang of remembering to use her arms and legs at the same time and, consequently, can swim further unaided. Amazing.

Today we finally started “Big Swimmers” and it’s got a bit more serious... less singing!

This evening we have seen that L got a special mention on our swimming class’ Facebook page: “for persevering with kicking off the wall into a push and glide, with no kicking.” We’re very proud of her.

Previous Toddler Levels:
Badge 8 (the first time)
Badge 7
Badge 6
Badge 5
Badge 4
Badge 3
Badge 2
Badge 1

Baby Levels:
Badge 5
Badge 4
Badge 3
Badge 2
Badge 1

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