Tilley Lamp
I took MrQ to the hospital this morning for a blood test and X-Ray and while he was there I wrote some notes for the insurance company about the failed lens repair. I took it to their office this afternoon and told them that I don't want it back. We'll see what happens.
From there to Waitrose to pick up MrQ's special lamp. What a nightmare it is getting around in town as the children are coming out of school.
MrQ had been having a clear-up in the large aluminium block of glasshouses. It has made the Tilley lamp that we used to light when we were in the habit of having BBQs in there about ten years ago show up.
I remember my parents working in their Dutch light glasshouses after dark by the light of Tilley lamps when I was a child. My father took my sisters and me with him to the Lee Valley from the Dengie Hundred when we were children where he was dismantling a block of greenhouses he'd bought in a sale. He had Tilley lamps and a Tilley stove with him. We loved it, it was a bit like camping. I love the soft hissing these devices make and their bright white light.
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