
By DaVinci

DIY is back!

The adventures on the other side of the world are over, at least for another year, so back to one of my other addictions - DIY. Oh yes.

Building a 'mezzanine floor' in my box room. Well, a glorified shelf actually, but I just want to be able to say: "yeah have a look on the mezz, you'll find it there" to anyone who wants an object that I have got stored there.

Went to Keyline Timber doon Leith today. Very helpful staff, great guys. Bought four lenghts of 'reg and treated six by two' - to you and me that's really thick and heavy wood. The lengths were 4.8 metres long, so had to be carved into two to get in my Vorsprung, Of course, this place will be just like B&Q Warehouse, they'll have a saw that can make these cuts:

DV: "You gotta a saw here that can cut these so they'll fit in my car?"

Helpful man: "Yeah, sure have"

DV: "Good stuff, shall I bring the bits of wood over to the saw" (Thinking it's like the B&Q machine thingy)

Helfpul man: "Nah son, the saw's over there, blue handled thing on the table"

DV: "Ahhh"

You see, I'm more of a jigsaw (read: electrically powered) man myself, so I knew this would be a challenge. And so it was. Trying to saw through this was tricky, I was tired, and it was tiring. The Bahco 44, I believe, is a good saw, but this was strenuous. However the really embarrassing moment came when a joiner man and his mate came out of the warehouse, and were heading back to their van. Politely one of them came over and just said:

"Gees the saw son"

And took it from me. He then started sawing at the wood as if he was putting a red hot knife through butter. Boy did I feel useless.

Anyway, got wood home and got chopping with, of course, my jigsaw.

I was thinking of phoning up the janitor at my old primary school and seeing if he could use the sawdust for the next fat kid that vomits after his morning milk.

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