Bugs and Michaelmas daisies...

...enjoying a sunny interlude...
There's a deep purple swathe at the top of the garden, and it always makes me think autumn has really arrived when they bloom!
In the United Kingdom there is only one native member of the genus, Aster tripolium, the sea aster - but other varieties flourish ;) 
This variety is pink enough to count for BCAM I think - keep clicking folks - and also for the continuation of Hobbs' October Blitz. There are technical problems with retrieving the entries, so he's cutting the challenge short after one week, but If you fancy posting colourful stuff you can still do so, and some of us are tagging with an underscore and the date after the year as well as the original tag... Up to you...
Since the bug obliged, also tagging for Tiny Tuesday - thanks Barking - so I make that a quadruple whammy ;) 

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